#include #include #include #include //global variables int line, debug; // source line number bool parseerror; // stop after parsing if set to true // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics: constants vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv int stats; #define NUMREGS 4 #define LAT_MOV_rl 1 #define LAT_MOV_m 5 #define LAT_INT_rl 1 #define LAT_INT_m 6 #define LAT_FP_rl 3 #define LAT_FP_m 8 // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics: constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ int latestTime = 0; void passert(bool condition, string errormsg){ if (!condition) { cout<<"error on line "<ival2; else return rval1>rval2;} bool ge() {if (comparingint) return ival1>=ival2; else return rval1>=rval2;} bool lt() {if (comparingint) return ival1::iterator address; enum stackcontent {dataitem, adritem, fpitem} elementtype; // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv int freeTime; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ public: StackElement(int ii, float ff){freeTime = 0; ivalue=ii; rvalue=ff; elementtype=dataitem;} StackElement(int fp){freeTime = 0; ivalue=fp; elementtype=fpitem;} StackElement(list::iterator adr){freeTime = 0; address=adr; elementtype=adritem;} void setival(int i){ passert(elementtype==dataitem,"illegal data stack reference"); ivalue=i; } void setrval(float r){ passert(elementtype==dataitem,"illegal data stack reference"); rvalue=r; } int ival() {passert(elementtype==dataitem,"illegal int stack reference"); return ivalue;} float rval(){passert(elementtype==dataitem,"illegal float stack reference"); return rvalue;} int fval(){passert(elementtype==fpitem,"illegal fp stack reference"); return ivalue;} // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv int getFreeTime() { return freeTime; } void setFreeTime(int ft) { freeTime = ft; } void printFreeTime() { cout << freeTime; } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ list::iterator aval(){ passert(elementtype==adritem,"illegal pc stack reference"); return address;} }; // GLOBAL VARIABLE. MACHINE AND SYSTEM STATE: machine cpu; vector stack; int fp = 0; //for the user, the stack will grow downwards, however the implementation // is a list that starts from 1. Offsets will need to be negated. class Symbol { string nam; int ivalue; float rvalue; string svalue; bool sconst; // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv int freeTime; // Time this variable will be free. // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ public: Symbol(string s){freeTime=0; nam=s; ivalue=0;rvalue=0;sconst=false;} Symbol(string s1, string s2){freeTime=0; nam=s1; ivalue=0;rvalue=0;svalue=s2;sconst=true;} void setival(int i){ivalue=i;} void setrval(float r){rvalue=r;} string name(){return nam;} int ival(){return ivalue;} float rval(){return rvalue;} string sval(){return svalue;} bool strconst() {return sconst;} // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv void setFreeTime(int ft) { freeTime = ft; latestTime = max(latestTime,freeTime); } int getFreeTime(){return freeTime;} void printFreeTime(){ cout << freeTime; } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ void print(){cout<::iterator varref; operandtype ot; public: int registernumber; string name(){return opname;} // functions used during parsing void settype(operandtype t){ot=t;} void setreg(int regno){ot=reg; registernumber=regno;} void setlit(float r){ot=num; literalvalue=r;} void setstackref(int ofs){ot=stackref; stackoffset=ofs;} void setname(string ss){opname=ss;} void setvarref(list::iterator vr){varref=vr;} operandtype type(){return ot;} // functions used during "execution" // generic operations (operate on both int and float field) void setval(operand &op){setival(op.ival());setrval(op.rval());} void add(operand &op){ setival(ival()+op.ival()); setrval(rval()+op.rval()); } void sub(operand &op){ setival(ival()-op.ival()); setrval(rval()-op.rval()); } void mul(operand &op){ setival(ival()*op.ival()); setrval(rval()*op.rval()); } void divi(operand &op){setival(ival()/op.ival());} void divr(operand &op){setrval(rval()/op.rval());} void inci(){setival(ival()+1);} void deci(){setival(ival()-1);} // set/get individual int and float field void setival(int i){ if (ot==id) {varref->setival(i);} else if (ot==reg) cpu.setregi(registernumber,i); else if (ot==stackref) stack[fp-stackoffset].setival(i); else fatal("setival: illegal operand type"); } void setrval(float r){ if (ot==id) {varref->setrval(r);} else if (ot==stackref) stack[fp-stackoffset].setrval(r); else if (ot==reg) cpu.setregr(registernumber,r); else fatal("setrval: illegal operand type"); } int ival(){ if (ot==id) {return varref->ival();} else if (ot==stackref) return stack[fp-stackoffset].ival(); else if (ot==reg) return cpu.regi(registernumber); else if (ot==num) return (int) literalvalue; else fatal("operand::ival: illegal operand type"); } float rval(){ if (ot==id) {return varref->rval();} else if (ot==stackref) return stack[fp-stackoffset].rval(); else if (ot==reg) return cpu.regr(registernumber); else if (ot=num) return literalvalue; else fatal("operand::rval: illegal operand type"); } string sval(){ if (ot==id) {return varref->sval();} else fatal("operand::sval: illegal operand type"); } // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv void setFreeTime(int ft){ switch (ot) { case id: { varref->setFreeTime(ft); break; } case reg: { cpu.setFreeTime(registernumber,ft); break; } case stackref: { stack[fp-stackoffset].setFreeTime(ft); break; } } } int getFreeTime(){ switch(ot) { case id: {return varref->getFreeTime();} case reg: {return cpu.getFreeTime(registernumber);} case stackref: {return stack[fp-stackoffset].getFreeTime();} default: {return 0;} } } void printFreeTime(){ switch (ot) { case id: {varref->printFreeTime();break;} case reg: {cpu.printFreeTime(registernumber);break;} case stackref: {stack[fp-stackoffset].printFreeTime(); break; } } } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ void print(){ switch (ot) { case id: {cout<<"id:"<=4) cout<<"emptyop"; break;} case nonknown: {cout<<"unknownop";break;} } } }; class opcode { int srcline; optype typ; operand op1,op2; list::iterator jumptarget; //for jump instructions string opname(optype t){ switch (t) { case var: {return "var";} case str: {return "str";} case label: {return "label";} case move: {return "move";} case addi: {return "addi";} case addr: {return "addr";} case subi: {return "subi";} case subr: {return "subr";} case muli: {return "muli";} case mulr: {return "mulr";} case divi: {return "divi";} case divr: {return "divr";} case inci: {return "inci";} case deci: {return "deci";} case cmpi: {return "cmpi";} case cmpr: {return "cmpr";} case push: {return "push";} case pop: {return "pop";} case jsr: {return "jsr";} case ret: {return "ret";} case link: {return "link";} case unlnk: {return "unlnk";} case jmp: {return "jmp";} case jgt: {return "jgt";} case jlt: {return "jlt";} case jge: {return "jge";} case jle: {return "jle";} case jeq: {return "jeq";} case jne: {return "jne";} case sys: {return "sys";} default: {return "unknown";} } } public: opcode(optype t,operand o1, operand o2): typ(t),op1(o1),op2(o2),srcline(line){} int src(){return srcline;} void settarget(list::iterator pc){jumptarget=pc;} list::iterator target(){return jumptarget;} string name() {return opname(typ);} optype code(){return typ;} operand & o1(){return op1;} operand & o2(){return op2;} void print(){ cout<<"line:"<::iterator target; // public: // jumptarget(string l, list::iterator t){labl=l,target=t;} // string label(){return labl;} // list::iterator targetpc(){return target;} // }; int isRegister(char * s, int& regno) { // return true if s is a string of the form r or R, // where is a register number in the range 0..NUMREGs-1 if (tolower(s[0])!='r') return false; for (int i=1;s[i]!=0;i++) if (!isdigit(s[i])) return false; regno = atoi(&s[1]); return (regno>=0 && regno&table, operand & o, int srcline){ // if the operand is an id, find the variable in the table and make a // reference to it in the operand if (o.type()==id) { for (list::iterator it=table.begin();it!=table.end();it++){ if (it->name()==o.name()) { o.setvarref(it); return; } } cout << "error on line "<=3){ if (string(argv[2])=="d1") debug=1; else if (string(argv[2])=="d2") debug=2; else if (string(argv[2])=="d3") debug=3; else if (string(argv[2])=="d4") debug=4; else if (string(argv[2])=="stats") stats=1; // Print statistics else if (string(argv[2])=="nostats") stats=0; // Don't print statistics } if (argc>=4){ if (string(argv[3])=="mix") mix=true; } ifstream src(argv[1]); if (!src) {cerr< program; list symboltable; // list labeltab; operand op1,op2; optype code; bool done = false; bool declarations = true; // parsing is in the declarations section while (!done) { line ++; parseline(code,op1,op2,src,line); if (code==endofprogram) {done=true;} else if (code==emptyline) {} else { // checkoperands(op1,op2); // op1 can be num/reg/id, op2 can be reg/id/strval/empty // only one of them can be an id // there must be 1 or 2 operands switch (code) { case var: { passert(declarations||mix,"declarations must preceed all code"); passert(op1.type()==id,"identifier operand expected"); passert(op2.type()==empty,"only one operand expected"); symboltable.push_back(Symbol(op1.name())); break; } case str : { passert(declarations||mix,"declarations must preceed all code"); passert(op1.type()==id,"1st operand must be indentifier"); passert(op2.type()==strval,"2nd operand must be string"); symboltable.push_back(Symbol(op1.name(),op2.name())); break; } case label : { passert(op1.type()==id,"1st operand must be indentifier"); passert(op2.type()==empty,"only one operand expected"); // labeltab.push_back(op1.name()); // may not need this declarations = false; program.push_back(opcode(label,op1,op2)); break; } case move: { passert( (op1.type()==num || op1.type()==reg || op1.type()== id || op1.type()== stackref) && (op2.type()==reg || op2.type()== id|| op2.type()== stackref), "illegal operand type"); passert(!((op1.type()==id || op1.type()== stackref)&& (op2.type()==id || op2.type()== stackref)), "both operands are memory refs"); declarations = false; program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); break; } case inci: case deci: { passert(op1.type()==reg,"operand must be a register"); passert(op2.type()==empty,"only one operand expected"); declarations = false; program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); break; } case addi: case addr: case subr: case subi: case muli: case mulr: case divi: case divr: case cmpi: case cmpr: { passert( (op1.type()==num || op1.type()==reg || op1.type()== id || op1.type()== stackref) && (op2.type()==reg), "illegal operand type"); declarations = false; program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); break; } case push: { passert(op2.type()==empty,"zero or one operand expected"); passert(op1.type()==num || op1.type()==reg || op1.type()== id || op1.type()== stackref || op1.type()==empty , "illegal operand type"); program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); declarations = false; break; } case pop:{ passert(op2.type()==empty,"zero or one operand expected"); passert(op1.type()==reg || op1.type()== id || op1.type()==stackref ||op1.type()==empty, "illegal operand type"); program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); declarations = false; break; } case jsr: { passert(op2.type()==empty,"only one operand expected"); passert(op1.type()==id,"operand must be an identifier"); program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); declarations = false; break; } case ret: { passert(op1.type()==empty && op2.type()==empty,"no operand expected"); program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); declarations = false; break; } case link: { passert(op1.type()==num && op2.type()==empty,"illegal operand"); program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); declarations = false; break; } case unlnk: { passert(op1.type()==empty && op2.type()==empty,"no operand expected"); program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); declarations = false; break; } case jmp: case jgt: case jlt: case jge: case jle: case jne: case jeq: { passert(op1.type()==id,"operand must be an identifier"); passert(op2.type()==empty,"only one operand expected"); declarations = false; program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); break; } case sys : { syscalls scl = checksyscall(op1); passert(scl != SCunknown,"unknown system call"); if (scl == SChalt) { passert(op2.type()==empty,"only one operand expected"); } // operand types are not fully checked declarations = false; program.push_back(opcode(code,op1,op2)); break; } case unknown : { passert(false,"unknown opcode"); } } } } if (debug>=1) { // print all identifiers for (list::iterator it = symboltable.begin(); it!=symboltable.end(); it++) { cout<<"id "; it->print();cout<<'\n'; } for (list::iterator it = program.begin(); it!=program.end(); it++) { it->print(); cout<<'\n'; } } // check if all ids are defined; set jump target pcs: for (list::iterator it = program.begin(); it!=program.end(); it++) { if (it->code()>=jsr && it->code()<=jne) { // for all jump instructions, insert the jump target list::iterator jt = program.begin(); // find the opcode that has this label bool labelfound = false; for ( ; jt!=program.end() && ! labelfound; jt++) { if (jt->code()==label && jt->o1().name()==it->o1().name()) { it->settarget(jt); labelfound = true; } } if (!labelfound) { cout<<"error on line "<src()<<" jump target is not defined\n"; parseerror=true; } } else if (it->code()==sys){ // for sys calls the first operand is the syscall name, although its operand // type id "id", so only check the 2nd operand linkvariable(symboltable,it->o2(),it->src()); } else if (it->code()!=label) { // in all other cases, except labels, check both operands linkvariable(symboltable,it->o1(),it->src()); linkvariable(symboltable,it->o2(),it->src()); } } if (parseerror) exit(1); // execute the program // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics: initialization vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv int CNT_register[NUMREGS]; int CNT_mem = 0; int CNT_iOps = 0; // Count integer instructions. int CNT_rOps = 0; // Count real instructions. int CNT_peeps = 0; // Count peephole inci/deci optimizations. int CNT_branches = 0; // Count branches. int CNT_instructions = 0; // Count total # of instructions. int CNT_cycles = 0; // The cycles. int CNT_target = 0; // The target of the command, if any. // CNT_target ==0 means no target, ==1 means op1, ==2 means op2. // Use CNT_target to update the time a symbol/register is free. int CNT_cmp = 0; // Since cmpi ... jge ... is a two-part command, need to keep track of the time the cmpi ends. int CNT_latency = 0; // Latency for an instruction. int CNT_MOV_rl = 0; int CNT_MOV_m = 0; int CNT_INT_rl = 0; int CNT_INT_m = 0; int CNT_FP_rl = 0; int CNT_FP_m = 0; int i,allregs; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics: initialization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bool eop = false; int itemp; float rtemp; // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics: initialization vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if(stats) { for (i=0;i::iterator pc = program.begin(); while (!eop && pc != program.end()) { if (debug>=3) { cpu.print(); for (list::iterator it = symboltable.begin(); it!=symboltable.end(); it++) { it->print(); cout <<" "; } cout<<'\n'; } if (debug >=2) { if(stats) { pc->print(CNT_cycles); cout<<'\n'; } else { pc->print(); cout<<'\n'; } } line = pc->src(); // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if(stats) { // I just do statistics in this first switch statement CNT_latency = 0; CNT_target = 0; switch (pc->code()) { case label: // No time break; case move: { CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); CNT_cycles = max(pc->o2().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug >= 2) { cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " move ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ","; pc->o2().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_MOV_m; break; case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; default: CNT_latency = LAT_MOV_rl; } switch(pc->o2().type()) { case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = max(LAT_MOV_m,CNT_latency); break; case reg: CNT_register[pc->o2().registernumber]++; default: CNT_latency = max(LAT_MOV_rl,CNT_latency); } if(CNT_latency > LAT_MOV_rl) { CNT_MOV_m++; } else { CNT_MOV_rl++; } CNT_target = 2; break; } // Peephole Ops case inci: case deci: CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug >= 2) { cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " inci/deci ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; CNT_iOps++; CNT_peeps++; CNT_INT_rl++; CNT_latency = LAT_INT_rl; CNT_target = 1; break; case cmpi: { CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); CNT_cycles = max(pc->o2().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug >= 2) { cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " intOp ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ","; pc->o2().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; CNT_iOps++; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = LAT_INT_rl; break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_INT_m; break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op1 used in an integer op"); } switch(pc->o2().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o2().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = max(CNT_latency,LAT_INT_rl); break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = max(LAT_INT_m,CNT_latency); break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op2 used in an integer op"); } if (CNT_latency > LAT_INT_rl) { CNT_INT_m++; } else { CNT_INT_rl++; } // Compares have internal registers as the target. CNT_cmp = CNT_cycles + CNT_latency; // jge, ... must wait for the compare. break; } // Integer Ops case addi: case subi: case muli: case divi: { CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); CNT_cycles = max(pc->o2().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug >= 2) { cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " intOp ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ","; pc->o2().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; CNT_iOps++; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = LAT_INT_rl; break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_INT_m; break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op1 used in an integer op"); } switch(pc->o2().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o2().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = max(CNT_latency,LAT_INT_rl); break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = max(LAT_INT_m,CNT_latency); break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op2 used in an integer op"); } if (CNT_latency > LAT_INT_rl) { CNT_INT_m++; } else { CNT_INT_rl++; } CNT_target = 2; break; } case cmpr: { CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); CNT_cycles = max(pc->o2().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug>=2){ cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " fpOp ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ","; pc->o2().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; CNT_rOps++; CNT_latency = 0; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = LAT_FP_rl; break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_FP_m; break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op1 used in an integer op"); } switch(pc->o2().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o2().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = max(CNT_latency,LAT_FP_rl); break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = max(LAT_FP_m,CNT_latency); break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op2 used in an integer op"); } if(CNT_latency > LAT_FP_rl) { CNT_FP_m++; } else { CNT_FP_rl++; } // Compares have internal registers as the target. CNT_cmp = CNT_cycles + CNT_latency; // jge, ... must wait for the compare. break; } // Real Ops case addr: case subr: case mulr: case divr : { CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); CNT_cycles = max(pc->o2().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug>=2){ cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " fpOp ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ","; pc->o2().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; CNT_rOps++; CNT_latency = 0; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = LAT_FP_rl; break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_FP_m; break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op1 used in an integer op"); } switch(pc->o2().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o2().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = max(CNT_latency,LAT_FP_rl); break; case stackref: case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = max(LAT_FP_m,CNT_latency); break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op2 used in an integer op"); } if(CNT_latency > LAT_FP_rl) { CNT_FP_m++; } else { CNT_FP_rl++; } CNT_target = 2; break; } case pop: CNT_target = 1; case push: // These are simply moves to the stack. { CNT_cycles = max(pc->o1().getFreeTime(),CNT_cycles); if(debug>=2){ cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " push/pop ("; pc->o1().printFreeTime(); cout << ")\n"; } CNT_instructions++; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_MOV_m; break; case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; default: CNT_latency = LAT_MOV_rl; } if(CNT_latency > LAT_MOV_rl) { CNT_MOV_m++; } else { CNT_MOV_rl++; } break; } case link: case unlnk: { CNT_instructions++; CNT_latency = LAT_INT_rl; CNT_INT_rl++; break; } case jgt: case jlt: case jge: case jle: case jeq: case jne: { CNT_cycles = max(CNT_cycles,CNT_cmp); if(debug>=2){ cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " cmp/jgt... (Wait for comparison)\n"; } } case jmp: case jsr: // pushes already wait for their operands so jsr can execute immediately. { CNT_branches++; CNT_instructions++; CNT_latency = 1; CNT_INT_rl++; break; } case ret: { CNT_cycles = max(CNT_cycles,latestTime); // Wait for all pending instructions before returning. if(debug>=2){ cout << "FREETIME "<< CNT_cycles << " return (Wait for pending instructions before returning)\n"; } CNT_instructions++; CNT_latency = 1; CNT_INT_rl++; break; } case sys: { switch (checksyscall(pc->o1())) { case SCreadi : case SCwritei : { CNT_instructions++; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case id: { CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_INT_m; break; } case reg: { CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; } default: { CNT_latency = LAT_INT_rl; } } if (CNT_latency > LAT_INT_rl) { CNT_INT_m++; } else { CNT_INT_rl++; } break; } case SCreadr : case SCwriter : { CNT_instructions++; CNT_rOps++; CNT_latency = 0; switch(pc->o1().type()) { case reg: CNT_register[pc->o1().registernumber]++; case num: CNT_latency = LAT_FP_rl; break; case id: CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_FP_m; break; default: fatal("STATISTICS: unknown op1 used in an integer op"); } if (CNT_latency > LAT_FP_rl) { CNT_FP_m++; } else { CNT_FP_rl++; } break; } case SCwrites : { CNT_instructions++; CNT_iOps++; CNT_latency = 0; CNT_mem++; CNT_latency = LAT_INT_m; CNT_INT_m++; break; } case SChalt : { CNT_latency = 1; CNT_instructions++; CNT_INT_rl++; CNT_cycles = max(latestTime,CNT_cycles); break; } } } } if(CNT_target > 0) { if(CNT_target == 1) { pc->o1().setFreeTime(CNT_cycles+CNT_latency); } else { pc->o2().setFreeTime(CNT_cycles+CNT_latency); } if (debug>=2) { cout << "Target will be free at cycle " << CNT_cycles+CNT_latency << "\n"; } } CNT_cycles += 1; } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ switch (pc->code()) { case move : { pc->o2().setval(pc->o1()); pc++; break; } case label : {pc++;break;} case addi: case addr : {pc->o2().add(pc->o1()); pc++; break;} case subi: case subr : {pc->o2().sub(pc->o1()); pc++; break;} case muli: case mulr : {pc->o2().mul(pc->o1()); pc++; break;} case divi: {pc->o2().divi(pc->o1()); pc++; break;} case divr : {pc->o2().divr(pc->o1()); pc++; break;} case inci : {pc->o1().inci(); pc++; break;} case deci : {pc->o1().deci(); pc++; break;} case cmpi : {cpu.setstatusi(pc->o1().ival(),pc->o2().ival()); pc++; break;} case cmpr : {cpu.setstatusr(pc->o1().rval(),pc->o2().rval()); pc++; break;} case push: { if (pc->o1().type() != empty) stack.push_back(StackElement(pc->o1().ival(),pc->o1().rval())); else stack.push_back(StackElement(0,0)); pc++; break; } case pop: { if (pc->o1().type() != empty) { pc->o1().setival(stack.back().ival()); pc->o1().setrval(stack.back().rval()); } stack.pop_back(); pc++; break; } case jsr: { list::iterator subrpc=pc->target(); pc++; stack.push_back(StackElement(pc)); pc = subrpc; break; } case ret: { pc = stack.back().aval(); stack.pop_back(); break; } case link: { // push(fp); fp <- sp; reserve space on stack for local variables; stack.push_back(StackElement(fp)); fp = stack.size()-1; for (int ii=1;ii<=pc->o1().ival();ii++) { stack.push_back(StackElement(0,0)); } pc++; break; } case unlnk: { // clean stack up to fp; pop(fp) while (stack.size()>fp+1) stack.pop_back(); fp = stack.back().fval(); stack.pop_back(); pc++; break; } case jmp : {pc=pc->target(); break;} case jgt: {if (cpu.gt()) pc=pc->target(); else pc++; break;} case jlt: {if (cpu.lt()) pc=pc->target(); else pc++; break;} case jge: {if (cpu.ge()) pc=pc->target(); else pc++; break;} case jle: {if (cpu.le()) pc=pc->target(); else pc++; break;} case jeq: {if (cpu.eq()) pc=pc->target(); else pc++; break;} case jne: {if (cpu.ne()) pc=pc->target(); else pc++; break;} case sys: { switch (checksyscall(pc->o1())) { case SCreadi : {cin >> itemp; pc->o2().setival(itemp); pc++; break;} case SCreadr : {cin >> rtemp; pc->o2().setrval(rtemp); pc++; break;} case SCwriter : {cout << pc->o2().rval(); pc++; break;} case SCwritei : {cout << pc->o2().ival(); pc++; break;} case SCwrites : {cout << pc->o2().sval(); pc++; break;} case SChalt : {eop=true; break;} } } } } // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Statistics: Print vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if(stats) { cout << "\nSTATISTICS _____________________________\n"; cout << " #Instructions:" << CNT_instructions <<"\n"; cout << " (move-ops mem:" << CNT_MOV_m << ", reglit:" << CNT_MOV_rl << ")\n"; cout << " ( int-ops mem:" << CNT_INT_m << ", reglit:" << CNT_INT_rl << ")\n"; cout << " ( fp-ops mem:" << CNT_FP_m << ", reglit:" << CNT_FP_rl << ")\n"; for(i=0;i